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Should the spiritist movement give its opinion on politics?

“The greatest among you be as the least; and who governs be as he who serves. ”[1] Looking closely at humanity, we see that intimate transformation only becomes effective and true when it is radiated to the community in which we live. Spiritism tells us about the reality of the spirit and its evolutionary process, teaching us that happiness is an individual and collective construction, and it is not possible for the individual to be happy seeing his surroundings full of need, tear and pain.

Will there be any relationship between Spiritism and Politics? Regarding the philosophical aspect, Spiritism has a lot to do with Politics, as this must be the art of managing society in a fair way. Consequently, the spiritist cannot decline his citizenship and must live it consciously and very responsibly. What then would be the meaning of Kardec's statement in advising the centers to set aside political issues? That we should not bring to the spiritist center the campaigns and party activists, because the place for their exercise is in the respective associations and places.

However, from the very principles of Spiritism arise political questions. From the moment we talk about intimate and moral reform, a new world view, a transformation of society, a detachment from material goods, the practice of love, justice and charity, we speak of politics. In question no. 573 of The Spirits' Book, when the Spirits are questioned by Kardec about their mission, they answer to be to instruct men, to help in their progress and also; to improve their institutions by direct and material means. [2]

Thus, the spiritist cannot alienate himself within the society in which he lives, claiming that Spiritism and Politics have no relation, because it must be remembered that material life and spiritual life are continuous dimensions of Life itself. For the spiritist, this political action must be inspired by the philosophical aspect of Spiritism, which leads him to love his neighbor, to desire his good, to stimulate human society to have spiritual habits, to develop intelligence and to elaborate just laws. , for the benefit of all.

Spiritism works with education. This is the basis of the Doctrine itself, because in order to practice it, we have to educate ourselves, having an extremely political content, because it changes the way we see the world and act in it. It is noteworthy not to seek politics in the partisan aspect, but to help in the awareness of the spiritualists about how to understand society and act in a more positive way.

In the presentation of the book Spiritism and Politics, the teacher Ayrton Aylton Paiva elucidates not to stimulate to participate in the party politics of the Spiritists, nor to affirm that the Spiritist must or not actively participate in a political organization, but only to recognize the right of the spiritist to freely choose, as a member of a society, how he will help human relations to be progressively improved in the sense of peace, justice and brotherly love. [3]

It is worth mentioning a text by Emmanuel, entitled “Politics”, present in the book Alma e Luz [4], by the psychography of Chico Xavier, where he begins by quoting the Gospel of Luke, chapter 22, verse 26, which brings the phrase of Jesus: “ And whoever rules is how he serves. ” In the text, the Spiritual author teaches that the Gospel likewise presents the highest formula of administrative political life to the peoples of the earth, yet the whole truth of his divine lessons does not yet penetrate those who claim not to sympathize with such labors. Master's

He says that the major issue is to find a human element willing to carry out the sublime principle insofar as the democratic ideals of the world derive only from the Savior's own teaching. Do you wonder if any sociologist on the planet can find a superior platform beyond the glorious synthesis that claims the ruler to the legitimate qualities of the faithful servant? He claims that the revolutions, which shed so much blood, were demonstrations of a desire to obtain the sacred formula in the political reality of nations and yet were criminal, disloyal, unfaithful and perverse movements, with false politicians in the action of the common government.

Properly asserts that the teaching of Jesus is still above the vulgar understanding of creatures, for the great majority of men are concerned with conquering the positions of authority and evidence because they are excessively interested in their own advantages and the immediacy of the creature. ignoring that the Christ there counts on them, but not as those who rule tyrannically or arbitrarily, but as those who serve with joy, that is, not by administering to coups de force, but by obeying the Divine Scheme with beings and things in life. He concludes by saying that Jesus is the Supreme Governor of the earth and, at the same time, the Supreme Servant of human creatures.

Herculano Pires, in the book The Spiritist Center [5], elucidates that Spiritism is linked to all fields of human activities, not aiming to take root in them, but to bring the lights of the Spirit, because serving the world through God is their function and not to serve God through the world. Thus we understand Spiritism and Politics as fundamental for the construction of a New Society.

Let us also remember that recognized workers of the spiritist movement performed, with merits, political activities with the public authorities, such as Cairbar Schutel, José de Freitas Nobre and our dear Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes.

Supported, therefore, in evangelical morality and without committing itself to subtitles or party organizations, the Spiritist Movement can contribute, in the field of ideas, to the solution of the political and social problems that naturally arise in the process of planetary evolution. And to finish the question, we bring Kardec's statement in The Genesis:

Spiritism does not create social renewal; It is the maturity of humanity that will make this renewal a necessity. For its moralizing power, for its progressive tendencies, for the breadth of its views, for the generality of the issues it covers, Spiritism is more apt than any other doctrine, to support the regeneration movement, so it is contemporary of this movement. [6]

[1] Lucas 22:26.

[2] KARDEC, Allan. O Livro dos Espíritos. 93 ed. Brasília: FEB, 2013. Q. 573. p. 275.

[3] PAIVA, Ayrton Aylton. Espiritismo e Política, contribuições para a Evolução do Ser e da Sociedade. [s.l.]: FEB, [2014?]. p. 17.

[4] XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Alma e Luz. Pelo Espírito Emmanuel. [s.l.]: IDE: 1990. p.14.

[5] PIRES, José Herculano. O Centro Espírita. São Paulo: Paideia. 2008. p. 56.

[6] KARDEC, Allan. A Gênese. 53 ed. Brasília: FEB, 2013. p. 368.

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